Flow Vision® Rythem/Section™ Motocross Goggle: Tear-Off Laminates

$28.90 Regular price
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With a passion that runs deep for motocross and off-road riding, our Rythem/Section™ Motocross goggles bring a new level of superior fitment along with an economically priced product. Try them for yourself and you will see the clarity of Flow Vision®.

  • Creating a "Clear Vision" with a simple pull
  • Laminated tear-offs for our Rythem/Section™ Goggles
  • Our lamination effectively eliminates refraction light between individual tear-offs for maximum performance during aggressive motorcycle/ATV riding
  • By using a laminated system you are able to stack more tear-offs on your goggles giving you more laps of clear vision without the reflection caused by stacking single layer tear-offs
  • Sold in a 14-pack.